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SixDays Budapest March 2023 IM

Darrera actualització29.03.2023 13:03:09, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Tamas Gyomber

Llista del rànquing inicial

3IMHorvath David704890HUN2380
2IMTo Nhat Minh729019HUN2342
5IMSzeberenyi Adam710466HUN2338
6FMUdvardi Zalan774529HUN2260
9FMHalak Miklos726400HUN2257
10FMPham Tran Gia Phuc12415669VIE2238
7CMUlasevich Sergei13505629FID2236
8Gandhi Anish5061032IND2187
1Balogh Peter14914395SVK2057
4Neszmenyi Zoltan744239HUN1885