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Social Federado Piolín 2012

Last update 09.07.2012 15:29:23, Creator/Last Upload: Spanish Chess Federation (Licence 364)

Starting rank list of players

16Garcia Corada Pedro20272104
13Loza Matovelle David19811997
15Cernuda Orejas Victor Manuel19522016
14Fernandez Velasquez Julian Fel18841953
2Polo Ayuso Marcos01877
10Gamboa Torres Luis Alejandro18041827
6Fernandez De La Fuente Jose An17661819
8Torralbo Asagra Jaime Andres17231831
18Sebastian Cantarino Adrian17151700
9Santos Martinez Guillermo16781701
12Gago Gonzalves Jose Fernando16641760
4Costache Bogdan Alexandru14831618
7Juanes Paniagua Alberto01292
3Borislavov Yordanov Sasho00
5Garcia Bravo Nicolas00
1Iglesias Pascual Juan Abel00
11Rodriguez Cano Juan Francisco00
17Sashov Yordanov Yonatan00