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George Chess Trials 2_2023 Under 15-19 Girls

Last update 11.02.2023 19:59:13, Creator/Last Upload: George Swart

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Starting rank

1Nel, Danika2070728501275Outeniqua High
2Prince, Sharna2050696331205York High
3Goliath, Rori2090136945845Denneoord Primary
4Bosch, Estee205061382766Outeniqua High School
5Buys, Denee2090118615693WEGGeorge High
6Miggels, Micola207064074658HTS Eden
7du Plessis, Charlotte00Outeniqua High
8Malherbe, Lanta00York high
9Mollentze, Kaelin00Outeniqua Hoërskool
10Prinsloo, Lea00Outeniqua Hoërskool
11Swanepoel, Ashley00Outeniqua Hoërskool