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George Chess Trials 2_2023 Under 15 Boys

Last update 11.02.2023 19:58:26, Creator/Last Upload: George Swart

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Starting rank

1Du Plessis, Arno1080729761438WEGOuteniqua Hoërskool
2Scholtz, Hanko1090864131285WEGOuteniqua Hoërskool
3Marx, Marnu1090864151228WEGOuteniqua Hoërskool
4De Waal, Liam1090853071154WEGOuteniqua Hoërskool
5Meyer, Marsouw1080852961054WEGOuteniqua Hoërskool
6Bukula, Sivuyisile1090130140939WEGYork High
7Rossouw, Liam1080131119821WEGYork High
8Williams, Handre109086097799WEGOuteniqua Hoërskool
9Tshemese, Salizwa1090142290696WEGThembalethu High School
10Windvogel, Nayron1090140096652WEGGeorge High
11Noma, Lizakhanya1090108185637WEGYork High
12Uwa, Chinedu1080119922527WEGYork High
13Ahmed, Moeez10901485400York High
14Beling, Damien00Outeniqua Hoërskool
15Bezuidenhout, Connor10901485410George South
16Boto, Anenkosi00Thembalethu
17Cupido, Fernando00Van der Hoven
18Fourie, Xander10901485420George South
19Fulani, Zibele00Thembalethu
20Graver, Tristan10901485430York High
21Gxokolwana, Siyavuya10901485440Thembalethu
22Koraan, Matthew10801485470HTS Eden
23Muza, Moses10901480510WEGMzoxolo Primary
24Ntakani, Vuyolwethu10801485540York High
25Ntombela, Athenkosi10901485550Mzoxolo Primary
26Nyagawa, Ishe10801485560York High
27Sass, Mikhail10801485570HTS Eden
28Smoki, Zuko10901485580Thembalethu High School
29Stali, Bulumko10901485590Thembalethu High School
30Swanepoel, Joshua10901485600Outeniqua Hoërskool
31Van Niekerk, Carlos10901485610Outeniqua Primary