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George Chess Trials 2_2023 Under 11 Girls

Last update 11.02.2023 19:55:52, Creator/Last Upload: George Swart

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Starting rank

1Cornforth, KayleighRSA1068
2Brewis, SiennaRSA928
3Zaaiman, JanaRSA896
4Blignaut, Dane ChelseaRSA884
5Pringle, KirstenRSA790
6Fischer, AmikeRSA677
7Le Roux, MelandiRSA643
8Barkhuysen, AnkiaRSA566
9Fischer, CalinkeRSA533WEG
10Gouws, ChanteRSA459
11Laws, ErinRSA458
12Booyesen, LeaWEG0
13Bruiners, ChandreRSA0
14Bukula, LilithaRSA0
15Cameron, AvaRSA0
16Douglas, KeylaRSA0WEG
17Engelbrecht, CaitlinRSA0
18Freeman, TaliaWEG0
19Meyer, KarlienWEG0
20Opperman, ChelseyWEG0
21Schmidt, AvaWEG0
22Van Der Merwe, ImkeRSA0
23Van Der Merwe, LienkeRSA0