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42. St. Veiter Jacques-Lemans-Open 2023 A-Turnier

Last update 18.07.2023 11:08:19, Creator/Last Upload: SCHACHKLUB ST VEIT/GLAN

Player overview for UKR

1IMRoshka Yevgeniy24962483UKR111½½11½17,51A-Turnier
24Pakina Varvara17671834UKR111½000115,526B-Turnier

Results of the last round for UKR

Rd.Bo.No.NameTypRtgPts. ResultPts. NameTypRtgNo.
9131Lauda Alexandr21086 0 - 1 IMRoshka Yevgeniy24961
91724Pakina Varvara1834 1 - 05 Gihr Ruben156669

Player details for UKR

IM Roshka Yevgeniy 2496 UKR Rp:2447 Pts. 7,5
151MKToefferl Heimo19951987AUT4w 1
232Hofstadler Mario20772103AUT5s 1
324CMMiazhynski Michael21422117AUT6,5w 1
48FMFahrner Kurt22602251AUT7s ½
59FMSharan Rao22550IND7,5w ½
616Eilenberg Jonas21492196GER6,5s 1
72GMRogic Davor DI.24462454CRO5,5w 1
826Hoffmann Sebastian21342029GER6s ½
931Lauda Alexandr21082060MDA6s 1
Pakina Varvara 1834 UKR Rp:1784 Pts. 5,5
1100Ebner Manfred Mag.15501428AUT4,5w 1
262Kretschmer Wolfgang16581637GER4,5s 1
357Schachner Matthias15741663AUT5w 1
411Schriebl Alexander19421912AUT7s ½
51Prüsse Horst20701952GER7w 0
645Sowka Patrick17370GER5w 0
754Mayrhuber Franz16851675AUT5s 0
892Stadlinger Manfred14501469AUT3,5s 1
969Gihr Ruben16741566GER5w 1