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2023 Knysna School Trials #1 Under 13

Last update 05.02.2023 08:49:20, Creator/Last Upload: Saskia Quirk

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Starting rank

1Jacobs, EugenielRSA1136
2Zhu, DavidRSA935
3Plaatjies, LeighshawnRSA629
4Bondt, Cu ReezaRSA564
5April, KaylenRSA0
6Botha, HedleeRSA0
7Brewer, LucasRSA0
8Buttle, CamranRSA0
9Claasen, JunaidRSA0
10Clayton, MajietRSA0
11Cook, EthanRSA0
12Goets, AmberRSA0
13Harris, LeighhoRSA0
14Harvey, JoshuaRSA0
15Jobs, CezaroRSA0
16Korsten, DominiqueRSA0
17Lubedo, LigugulethuRSA0
18Minnaar, lisolethuRSA0
19Nokano`, MasixoleRSA0
20Ruiters, AldrinayRSA0
21Smart, JesseRSA0
22Solomons, SergioRSA0
23Sompani, BuhleRSA0
24Tamboer, Kurt-LeeRSA0
25Van Wyk, JoshuaRSA0
26Yanta, SiaRSA0