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Top 5 will be move to the Pre Quarter Finals (Knockout Stage)

The 4th Sri Lanka Youth Chess Grand Prix 2023 - Group B

Darrera actualització08.02.2023 07:40:42, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Tharindu Weerasekara

Llista del rànquing inicial

5Bimansa, D G Jayandi29946697SRI1254w
9Edussooriya, Thisanga Hasarel29949742SRI1195
11Deenad, Jathunge Sanjul9984917SRI1187
6Perera, Thisara Randinu29936110SRI1184
7Karunasena, A P Chenitha S D29982596SRI1180
1Gamlath, E G Y T29976197SRI1178
3Mendis, Imethra29947243SRI1174w
4Jayasundara, J M Theruni V9998748SRI1173w
2Jayasanka, Kulara29976022SRI1168
10Akarsha, H M D Kawya Dineth29974984SRI1167
8Munasinghe, M A D D D29964016SRI1160w