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Juegos Nacionales CONADE 2023 Etapa Estatal Colima 2009-2010 Varonil

Last update 05.02.2023 22:14:50, Creator/Last Upload: vmedina

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Starting rank

1Salinas Cardenas, Rodrigo Salvador51805891671Manzanillo
2Palacios, Hernandez Dilan Alejandro51937881358Villa de Alvarez
3Dolores, Rodriguez Cristopher Alejandro1324Villa de Alvarez
4Zambrano, Buelvas Juan Pablo1266Colima
5Carpio, Jimenez Alexis Adrian1234Villa de Alvarez
6Aguilar Grajeda, Luis German0Villa de Alvarez
7Alatorre Moran, Luis Alberto0Colima
8Cazarez Benitez, Emilio Omar0Colima
9Flores Beltran, Andres Valdemar0Colima
10Frias Alvarez, Fernando Matias0Manzanillo
11Magana Delgadillo, Oscar Omar0Villa de Alvarez
12Murillo Bernal, Hector Rodrigo0Manzanillo
13Panduro Toscano, Angel Uriel0Villa de Alvarez
14Perez Guzman, Alejandro0Colima
15Reyna Bermudez, Noe Martin0Colima
16Rodriguez Cabellos, Angel Gabriel0Villa de Alvarez
17Solis Bazan, Diego Emilio0Colima
18Valente Benavides, Brayan Noe0Villa de Alvarez
19Villegas Zepeda, Matias Kristof0Villa de Alvarez