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2022 Patron's Cup Development Section

Senast uppdaterad04.02.2023 15:28:54, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Swaziland

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1Ariyawansa, SanjulSWZ0
2Bhembe, SemusaSWZ0
3Buthelezi, NolwaziSWZ0
4Dlamini, KnowledgeSWZ0
5Dlamini, SukulwakheSWZ0
6Dube, AyibongweSWZ0
7Dube, MqheleSWZ0
8Khumalo, SiphosenkhosiSWZ0
9Mathabela, NdaloSWZ0
10Mvubu, KhetsaniSWZ0
11Nkatha, GraceSWZ0
12Nkwanyane, SihlelelweSWZ0
13Nkwanyane, WenzokuhleSWZ0
14Ntiwane, SiphiwoSWZ0
15Ntiwane, SurpriseSWZ0
16Zondi, SibiyelweSWZ0