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2022 Patron's Cup Open Section

Վերջին արդիացում05.02.2023 14:44:00, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Swaziland

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1CMHlophe, Smilo20700245SWZ1742
2CMSihlongonyane, Sikhanyiso20700784SWZ1664
3Malinga, Lunga20701675SWZ1627
4Dlamini, Simphiwe20701217SWZ1597
5Mbongeni, Mabuza20700113SWZ1551
6Nxumalo, Vuyo20700253SWZ1546
7Hlophe, Nkosinathi20700610SWZ1392
8Matsebula, Qiniso20700393SWZ1386
9Chasusa, Francis20701110SWZ1383
10Mtsetfwa, Philani20701730SWZ1356
11Nosimilo, Mkhonto20700130SWZ1278
12Hlophe, Moses20701268SWZ1252
13Nkwanyane, Nolwazi20701381SWZ1209
14Molapo, Thabang20702442SWZ1140
15WCMDlamini, Nosipho20700237SWZ1081
16Nokuthula, Mkhonta20701179SWZ1050
17Mdluli, Mlondi20702450SWZ1029
18Dlamini, SamkelisoSWZ0
19Dludlu, MsimisiSWZ0
20Kota, SiviweSWZ0
21Mhlanga Sisekelo,SWZ0
22Mkhwanazi, MlamuliSWZ0
23Moyo, NtandoSWZ0