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Juegos CONADE 2023 etapa Municipal Categoría 15-16 años Varonil

Last update 30.01.2023 01:07:29, Creator/Last Upload: Faustino Ramon Munoz Galindo

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1Abreu, Mateo Miguel AngelMEX1500Cam
2Campos, Cruz Angel ManuelMEX1500Cam
3Puerto, Alfaro Rene CarlosMEX1476Cam
4Arjona, Cortes Alan RobertoMEX1358Cam
5Chan, Can Gregory JaredMEX1296Cam
6Cruz Tapia, Roberto FernandoMEX0Cam
7Gallegos Olvera, Pablo GaelMEX0Cam
8Reyes Perez, Hector EnriqueMEX0Cam
9Robles Ramon, Angel ManuelMEX0Cam