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Juegos CONADE 2023 etapa Municipal Categoría 13-14 años Varonil

Last update 01.02.2023 06:14:20, Creator/Last Upload: Faustino Ramon Munoz Galindo

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Starting rank

1Alcudia, Jimenez IsaacMEX1396Cam
2De, La Garza Cruz Jose LuisMEX1353Cam
3Gual, Michi Yurem AlessandriMEX1344Cam
4Sanchez, May Josias Rafael5171237MEX1313Cam
5Aguirre Saenz, RubenMEX0Cam
6Ayala Prieto, Luis AndreMEX0Cam
7Dominguez Hernandez, Lucas JosueMEX0Cam
8Garcia Bustamante, Carlos AlbertoMEX0Cam
9Guerrero Garcia, EdgarMEX0Cam
10Mendoza Linares, AngelMEX0Cam
11Novelo Vazquez, Eduardo AntonioMEX0Cam
12Olivares Trujillo, BenjaminMEX0Cam
13Portillo Garcia, OlinMEX0Cam