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Sakksuli kupa C csoport “vágtató huszárok” 2023.01.29

Last update 29.01.2023 14:28:49, Creator/Last Upload:

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Final Ranking after 7 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2 
114Paksai Csongor,HUN07280
217Szobonya Márton Gergő,HUN05,5270
39Mátyás-Martinovics Zolta,HUN04,5280
42Bebesi Bálint,HUN04310
57Kulcsár Benedek,HUN04290
63Csányi Nóra,HUN0427,50
718Zilahi-Sebess Sámuel,HUN04230
84Kiss Lőrinc István,HUN03,5300
95Kovács Kornél,HUN03,5270
101Balai Dávid,HUN03,526,50
1115Pető Kira Melitta,HUN03,5200
1211Mráv Benedek,HUN0321,50
138Lugosi Bence,HUN03190
1412Naszódi Bálint,HUN02,5220
1510Mizsei Dorka,HUN02,521,50
1616Simon László,HUN02,520,50
176Könczöl János,HUN02210
1813Nemeth Vivien,HUN00,5180

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)