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Manurewa Chess Junior Rapid Chess Tournament Jan-23

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony28.01.2023 04:05:11, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Lab

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1Amy G,NZL0
2Aryan, S,NZL0
3Benedict F,NZL0
4Daniel M,NZL0
5Denzel S,NZL0
6Eugene Z,NZL0
7Gilbert L,NZL0
8Jared C,NZL0
9Joanna D,NZL0
10Jordan D,NZL0
11Kimi L,NZL0
12Leevinston I,NZL0
13Nandagopal A,NZL0
14Toby G,NZL0
15Tony G,NZL0