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2023 Zone 3.6 Womens Championship Վերջին արդիացում28.01.2023 05:10:51, Creator/Last Upload: Box Hill Chess Club
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | WGM | Ryjanova, Julia | 4127714 | VIC | 2288 |
2 | WGM | Zhang, Jilin | 8602867 | NSW | 2212 |
3 | WFM | Punsalan, Vyanla M | 4305850 | NZL | 1989 |
4 | WIM | Zhang, Jasmine Haomo | 4304632 | NZL | 1949 |
5 | | Vincent, Alaina | 46608931 | NSW | 1897 |
6 | WFM | Hardegen, Kathryn | 3226778 | WA | 1887 |
7 | WFM | Quek, Kristine | 5803837 | NSW | 1807 |
8 | | Cheng, Chao Xin | 3232468 | VIC | 1806 |
9 | | Middleton, Jody | 3215660 | VIC | 1748 |
10 | WFM | Lyons, Kieran C | 11400102 | FIJ | 1747 |
11 | | Lu, Lillian | 3219208 | VIC | 1689 |
12 | | Morrison, Jennifer | 3239535 | VIC | 1641 |
13 | | Gratchev, Ekaterina | 3243338 | QLD | 1628 |
14 | | Shen, Fiona | 3215873 | NSW | 1625 |
15 | | Van, Sebille Sulia | 3231755 | VIC | 1585 |
16 | WCM | Anton, Sarah | 3207102 | VIC | 1578 |
17 | WIM | Szuveges, Narelle S | 3202640 | VIC | 1566 |
18 | | Fan, Chloe | 3242102 | VIC | 1554 |
19 | | Watson, Jean | 3206920 | VIC | 1528 |
20 | | Zeng, Vera | 3246051 | VIC | 1527 |
21 | | O'Carroll, Om | 3237486 | VIC | 1525 |
22 | | Li, Chuyue Angie | 3231356 | VIC | 1524 |
23 | | Huey, Chelsea | 3235637 | NSW | 1516 |
24 | | Chang, Yolanda | 4309332 | NZL | 1508 |
25 | | Maunders, Myiesha | 3224180 | VIC | 1498 |
26 | | Retnaraja, Athena-Malar | 3237710 | SoA | 1473 |
27 | | Xu, Luna | 4317360 | NZL | 1446 |
28 | WCM | Ollet, Myra | 31000517 | GUM | 1441 |
29 | | Ray, Charlotte | 4309693 | NZL | 1420 |
30 | | Liu, Joy | 3245160 | NSW | 1414 |
31 | | Davis, Sophie | 3220486 | VIC | 1409 |
32 | | Kolak, Tanya | 3214907 | VIC | 1405 |
33 | | Gratchev, Elizaveta | 3240967 | QLD | 1385 |
34 | | Ong, Celine | 3238717 | WA | 1376 |
35 | | Dissanayake, Vidushi | 3243575 | VIC | 1321 |
36 | | Prasad, Tanvi Radha | 11401117 | FIJ | 1315 |
37 | | Katakam, Deethya Sai | 3244377 | VIC | 1295 |
38 | | Pan, Renee Yang | 3243699 | NSW | 1285 |
39 | | De, Vas Senudi | 3250580 | WA | 1276 |
40 | | Chen, Minnie | 3253821 | VIC | 1268 |
41 | | Pan, Katherine | 3231321 | NSW | 1220 |
42 | | Song, Olivia | 3248143 | VIC | 1168 |
43 | | Wen, Sandy | 4317890 | NZL | 0 |