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George Chess Trials 1_2023 Under 13 Girls

Last update 28.01.2023 16:51:53, Creator/Last Upload: George Swart

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Starting rank

1Van Niekerk, Nina2100108140RSA1043w
2Mpuru, Moyisi2110119491RSA1024w
3Douglas, Caitlin2110136933RSA939w
4Wessels, Hanjah2100096201RSA901w
5Kruger, Riasha2100108133RSA839w
6Erasmus, Anneke2100119452RSA834w
7Oosthuizen, Juane2110108129RSA786w
8Van Den Heever, Anita2110134727RSA649w
9Kitsa, Mercy2110119449RSA632w
10Fischer, Carlanda2120136559RSA581w
11Wanie, Amy Lee2110136943RSA470w
12Taylor, Menirva2110136941RSA371w
13Damans, Arantxa2110119463RSA0w
14Dani, Liyabona0WEG0w
15Labea, Jean-Louise0WEG0w
16Muza, Meloge2110148067RSA0w
17Muza, Mercy2100148068RSA0w
18Stander, Burtonique0WEG0w
19Williams, Linique0WEG0w