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George Chess Trials 1_2023 Under 11 Girls

Last update 28.01.2023 16:50:48, Creator/Last Upload: George Swart

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Starting rank

1Cornforth, Kayleigh2120116532RSA1061w
2Brewis, Sienna2130136581RSA911w
3Zaaiman, Jana2130136603RSA906w
4Blignaut, Dane Chelsea2130134504RSA900w
5Pringle, Kirsten2130136965RSA778w
6Fischer, Amike2120136558RSA670w
7Le Roux, Melandi2130130133RSA638w
8Barkhuysen, Ankia2130136579RSA530w
9Fischer, Calinke2130136585RSA524w
10Laws, Erin2130136593RSA307w
11Bruiners, Chandre0WEG0w
12Bukula, Lilitha2120136556RSA0w
13Cameron, Ava2130146764RSA0w
14Engelbrecht, Caitlin0WEG0w
15Gouws, Chante2130145234RSA0w
16Hawkins, Nicci-Leigh1120131437RSA0
17Van Der Merwe, Imke2120144656RSA0w
18Van Der Merwe, Lienke2130145240RSA0w