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CD Rápidas Individual Absoluto Veteranos S65 AXL 2022-23

Last update 22.01.2023 18:43:23, Creator/Last Upload: Portuguese Chess Federation (Licence 58)

Starting rank list of players

6Miranda, Amilcar Alfredo1903403POR1916Clube Edp - Lisboa
3NMMorais, Vitor Mestre1900552POR1744Clube Edp - Lisboa
8Martins, Rodolfo Carlos Da Cru1905902POR1671Académico Torres Vedras
1NMSantos, Júlio Fernandes Dos1900650POR1658Clube Edp - Lisboa
2Mendes, Alberto Achiles Gaspar1901699POR1551Art - Ass Residentes Telheiras
5Nunes, Adelino Victor1908111POR1538Adrc Mata De Benfica
9Seia, João Manuel Barradas Ara1903616POR1478Gx Alekhine
4Martins, Domingos António Melã1947389POR1261Academia Do Lumiar
7Oliveira, Fernando Joaquim BarPOR0Clube Edp - Lisboa