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Campeonato Nacional de Puerto Rico 2007

Last update 31.07.2007 17:53:54, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACION DE AJEDREZ DE PUERTO RICO

Starting rank list of players

4IMMontalvo Alejandro8715793100260PUR225122512373
5IMSanta Juan8007273100120PUR222522252317
6Machin Mark9931463101126PUR217721772257
9Freyre Jorge7300173100030PUR216521652077
12Bermudez William8411823100251PUR215521552313
7Tanco Daniel9627883100430PUR214621461993
2FMBerrios Gabriel132773101002PUR213421342222
11Campiz Leonardo8614983100243PUR213121312119
1Santana Miguel435613101282PUR213021302207
3Sotelo Daniel233723100170PUR206802068
10Rodriguez Jaime332553100898PUR203020301991
8Vazquez Raul435703100235PUR198901989