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Uganda World Youth U16 Chess Olympiad 2023 Qualifiers - Girls

Last update 19.02.2023 18:09:17, Creator/Last Upload: ugandachess

Starting rank list of players

1Sana, Omprakash Kayyar10021132UGA1400w
2Nabirye, Caroline10016090UGA1288w
3Kyalisima, Fazirah Zahara10012508UGA1249w
4Namiiro, Janice Mubiru10007970UGA1199w
5Zuri, Tatiina10011188UGA1139w
6Mukaya, Olivia10022520UGA1134w
7Nankya, Janelle Mubiru10007989UGA1089w
9Hailey, Nio Michelle10021876UGA0w
8Nakawunde, Rebecca10018298UGA0w
10Thelma, Ruth10022864UGA0w