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Uganda World Youth U16 Chess Olympiad 2023 Qualifiers - Boys

Last update 19.02.2023 18:08:06, Creator/Last Upload: ugandachess

Starting rank list of players

1Tandeka, Shiloh10011196UGA1663
2Ajiri, Nygaard10014420UGA1651
3Kigundu, Ethan10018778UGA1639
4Pido, Edwin10008152UGA1584
5Mwase, Mathew10011005UGA1564
6Mwase, Arthur10011200UGA1536
8Jacques, Kennedy Ringtho Mugisa10018034UGA1298
9Isaac, Tendo Serwadda10019421UGA1289
10Shoubhith, Omprakash Kayyar10021140UGA1217
7Benjamin, Daniel Mwesigwa Serwadda10018964UGA0