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Torneo Rapid por Equipos Puro Ajedrez 2023 (312350)

Last update 10.02.2023 15:29:22, Creator/Last Upload:

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Team-Composition without round-results

  2. PlanetAjedrez (RtgAvg:1827 / TB1: 15 / TB2: 5)
1FMGonzalez Galvan, Juan Manuel2258ESP222443745
2FMPerez Perez, Osniel2139CUB3503461S5035
3WFMGamboa Alvarado, Olga Leticia1864CRC6502270w25
4CMSolano Cruz, Agustin1807CRC6500323S5035
5Hernandez Castro, Esteban1065CRC651008635