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27. Hit open 2023 - A

Last update 23.03.2023 19:03:20, Creator/Last Upload: Sahovski klub Nova Gorica

Player overview for SRB

5GMStrikovic Aleksa2446SRB11½10½½116,54HIT-A
13GMDrazic Sinisa2368SRB1½011½10169HIT-A
19GMDjuric Stefan2256SRB½10½½1½10530HIT-A

Results of the last round for SRB

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMStrikovic Aleksa2446 1 - 05 IMWadsworth Matthew J2439
GMDrazic Sinisa23685 1 - 05 FMBelli Giorgio2192
GMDjuric Stefan22565 0 - 15 FMLavrencic Matic2319

Player details for SRB

GM Strikovic Aleksa 2446 SRB Rp:2476 Pts. 6,5
125FMBelli Giorgio2192ITA5w 1
216FMVan Dael Siem2312NED5,5s 1
312FMTisaj Domen2372SLO5,5w ½
442CMChinguun Bayaraa2013MGL5,5s 1
51GMMendonca Leon Luke2558IND9s 0
617FMBeletic Daniel2269SLO5w ½
718FMGoroshkov Maksym2265SLO5s ½
813GMDrazic Sinisa2368SRB6w 1
96IMWadsworth Matthew J2439ENG5w 1
GM Drazic Sinisa 2368 SRB Rp:2399 Pts. 6
133Mestek Igor2124SLO5w 1
26IMWadsworth Matthew J2439ENG5s ½
34GMCvitan Ognjen2446CRO6w 0
446Gelardi Davide1948ITA2,5s 1
523FMPasini Nicolo2209ITA4w 1
68FMFavaloro Andrea2407ITA6s ½
721CMGarsky Vladyslav2253UKR5w 1
85GMStrikovic Aleksa2446SRB6,5s 0
925FMBelli Giorgio2192ITA5w 1
GM Djuric Stefan 2256 SRB Rp:2160 Pts. 5
139Kobal Sasa2034ITA3w ½
231Devnani Kush2133IND4,5s 1
32GMBrunello Sabino2512ITA6,5w 0
455Racnik Tone1877SLO4s ½
538Kodric Gasper2054SLO4,5w ½
644Vah Denis1968SLO4s 1
727Chubakov Sultan2190KGZ5w ½
845MKCirkvencic Franci1962SLO4s 1
914FMLavrencic Matic2319SLO6w 0