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27. Hit open 2023 - A

Last update 23.03.2023 19:03:20, Creator/Last Upload: Sahovski klub Nova Gorica

Player overview for ENG

6IMWadsworth Matthew J2439ENG1½1½10100521HIT-A
11GMDavies Nigel R2380ENG½1½½11½0½5,513HIT-A

Results of the last round for ENG

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMStrikovic Aleksa2446 1 - 05 IMWadsworth Matthew J2439
GMDavies Nigel R23805 ½ - ½5 Zamar Kodelja Jurij2254

Player details for ENG

IM Wadsworth Matthew J 2439 ENG Rp:2353 Pts. 5
126Zuttioni Federico2192ITA5s 1
213GMDrazic Sinisa2368SRB6w ½
315FMBifulco Michel2312ITA6s 1
412FMTisaj Domen2372SLO5,5w ½
554Kozlovic Jernej1878SLO5,5s 1
61GMMendonca Leon Luke2558IND9w 0
717FMBeletic Daniel2269SLO5s 1
89GMTratar Marko2397SLO6,5w 0
95GMStrikovic Aleksa2446SRB6,5s 0
GM Davies Nigel R 2380 ENG Rp:2369 Pts. 5,5
131Devnani Kush2133IND4,5w ½
237CMDebevec Blaz2070SLO5s 1
33GMBeliavsky Alexander G2499SLO6s ½
424Gregoric Andraz2206SLO5,5w ½
541Cansu Batuhan2014TUR4,5s 1
67GMFercec Nenad2423CRO5,5w 1
74GMCvitan Ognjen2446CRO6w ½
81GMMendonca Leon Luke2558IND9s 0
920Zamar Kodelja Jurij2254SLO5,5w ½