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GM Round Robin Tournament Vienna

Last update 14.02.2023 10:06:31, Creator/Last Upload: Ing. Peter Stadler

Starting rank list of players

9IMHorvath Dominik1642561AUT2513
1GMPolak Tomas300560CZE2506
3IMRoshka Yevgeniy14129558UKR2503
6GMBlohberger Felix1632051AUT2488
5IMBaidetskyi Valentin14142317UKR2464
10IMPajeken Jakob Leon12942839GER2460
4GMDiermair Andreas1612468AUT2457
7FMFinek Vaclav23718293CZE2401
2FMMorgunov Marc1640305AUT2400
8IMLeisch Lukas1632094AUT2366