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The number of players that make the National Team shall be determined by the slots available in the international tournaments. Criteria to be used to pick the team will be based on the final rankings of the players in the Final Phase.

Kenya National Team Selection 2023 Final Phase - Open Section

Last update 02.02.2023 14:17:33, Creator/Last Upload: Kenya Chess-Federation

Starting rank list of players

1CMMagana Ben10800166KEN2121KCB Chess Club
2Gohil Mehul10800999KEN2020
6CMNamale Ben Nguku10800263KEN1949KCB Chess Club
7Methu Joseph Muragu10804714KEN1939KCB Chess Club
8Ngani Victor10802088KEN1928Equity Chess Club
4Njoroge Martin10801952KEN1911KCB Chess Club
3Oluka Robert Mcligeyo10814647KEN1860Lighthouse Chess CLub
11Sang Ricky10802185KEN1851KCB Chess Club
9Ndegwa Jackson Kamau10801731KEN1836KCB Chess Club
5Wanasunia Elvis Likoko10815090KEN1784Equity Chess Club
10Osoro Samuel Onsongo10815848KEN1487Starheights Sports Academy