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TEPLICE RAPID CHESS TOUR 2023 - 29.04.2023

Darrera actualització29.04.2023 15:39:11, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Chess Federation of the Czech Republic

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Rànquing inicial

1FMRubes Jan338176CZE2354
2Tichonov Jiri14104261CZE1920
3Groh Jiri304557CZE1916
4Peglau Charis16219996GER1884
5Plasek Zdenek309800CZE1880
6Peglau Dora16220005GER1856
7Padevet Pavel23731583CZE1853
8Burgermeister Michal323608CZE1811
9Peglau Markus Dr.16203240GER1751
10Peglau Sarah16219961GER1693
11Peglau Paul David16290550GER1692
12Moravek Zdenek23738286CZE1648
13Schmidt Frank16206444GER1407
14Godlova Kamila23708697CZE1373
15Pochman Rudolf23748125CZE1348
16Peglau Lorena16290542GER1208