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Timor-Leste National Women Blitz Championship 2022

Seinast dagført14.01.2023 10:57:21, Creator/Last Upload: Federacao Xadrez de Timor Leste

Byrjanarlisti eftir Elo

8Tilman Maria L. A. Viegas31900275TLS1536
7Dos Santos Elfiana31900615TLS1452
2Gusmao Maria Do Ceu31902189TLS1328
6Soares Sidonia Do Carmo31905218TLS1283
3Americo Fretelina Viegas31901360TLS1204
1Da Costa Maria Regina31905455TLS0
5Da Costa Zelia Maria31905447TLS0
4Soares Embelina Agusta31905013TLS0