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Timor-Leste National Junior Boys Championship 2022

Senast uppdaterad14.01.2023 07:13:39, Creator/Last Upload: Federacao Xadrez de Timor Leste

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1Tilman Hermenegildo R. T. Viegas31901620TLS1514
2Viegas Tilman Zezinho M.T31900607TLS1483
3Aleixo Victor Da Costa31902200TLS1453
4Da Silva Blanjeldinho A. V. Tilman31900925TLS1446
5Viegas Rivanho31901484TLS1420
6Aleixo Valentino Da Costa31902235TLS0
7Amaral Abriano Costa31905498TLS0
8Amaral Apriliano Costa31905501TLS0
9Baptista Alexandrino31905919TLS0
10Belo Estevao Isolindo Ximenes31905943TLS0
11Belo Nucio Baptista31905471TLS0
12Caldas Nuno Claudio Diogo31905862TLS0
13Coli Sezio Maria G.31905870TLS0
14Fatima Julito Fernandes31905765TLS0
15Fernandes Rizky Suprapto31901859TLS0
16Gaspar Lisualdo31901522TLS0
17Lima Athanazio Da Silva31904408TLS0
18Lopes Andre31905889TLS0
19Menezes Gerefrico Antonio Monteiro31904467TLS0
20Menezes Noelio Garcia31904424TLS0
21Pinto Denio Celestino Amaral31904734TLS0
22Soares Imanuel Jeffry31905897TLS0
23Tilman Rivanho Riesta31901549TLS0
24Ximenes David Valerio31902723TLS0
25Ximenes Germano Filipe31905650TLS0
26Ximenes Ivo Carolino31905480TLS0
27Ximenes Martinho Valerio31902693TLS0