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Zonal Sub 14 Absoluto Zona Centro 2012

Last update 22.05.2012 15:26:40, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Juez Henry David4402103BOG1970U14Segundo
2Nieto Manuel Valerio Waldo4409612BOG1959U14
3WFMSalcedo Jackeline4401913BOG1956wU14Campeona
4Bohorquez Pulgarin Samuel Davi4430484BOG1949U14
5Leon Gustavo4408420BOG1928U14
6Nieto Guillermo Luigui Ubald4409604BOG1913U14
7Diaz Leider Andres4408080BOY1896U14Tercero
8Moreno Lozano David4418212BOG1882U14CampeĆ³n
9Patino Daniel Santiago4411021BOG1858U14
10Duran Barraza Mateo Andres4411820ATL1852U14
11Jimenez Leonardo Andres4411730BOG1836U14
12Corredor Castellanos Camilo4425871BOG1818U14
13Rodriguez Sofia4406176VAL1810wU14Segunda
14Rojas Andrea Lizeth4409701BOY1776wU14
15Baron Maria Camila4418140BOG1623wU14
16Gaitan Oscar Daniel4430956BOG1616U14
17Sosa Florez Luis Felipe4423720BOG1614U14
18Romero NicolasBOG1600U14
19Sanchez Sonia Ximena4419383CUN1487wU14Tercera
20Cedano David Sebastian4430948BOG1458U14
21Sanchez Vega Sergio Antonio4429354SAN1345U14
22Arciniegas Castro Santiago4433122SAN1278U14
23Pardo Hernandez Juan DavidBOG0U14