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II. Rigo Janos Memorial - IM-group

Darrera actualització22.06.2023 15:33:10, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Hungarian Chess-Federation licence 1

Llista del rànquing inicial

9IMTo Nhat Minh729019HUN2355
8IMSzeberenyi Adam710466HUN2318
6IMCsonka Attila Istvan716529HUN2302
4FMKonyves Almos785911HUN2300
2FMNgo Bach30942268USA2293
5FMColijn Stefan1016199NED2277
10Szikszai Bertalan797073HUN2205
7FMBhagat Kush46672940IND2186
3CMSaypuri Srithan46625224IND2175
1Doraszelski Alexander12996149GER2132