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South Wales New Year Major 2023

Last update 08.01.2023 19:10:37, Creator/Last Upload: Kevin

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Starting rank

1Philpin Les1803760WLS1722
2Sharhorodsky YaroslavWLS1721
3Hurn Robert Aj1801929WLS1610
4Parsons David Ivor1802615WLS1596
5Binesmael Mohamed1804936WLS1548
6Peters ChrisWLS1537
7Norris DavidWLS1468
8Holland Lyn1803999WLS1443
9Hollyman Mike1805975WLS1442
10Belochkin DavidWLS1300
11Williams JamesWLS1232
12Frame RobertWLS1042
13Powell AndrewWLS1023
14Enoch KristanWLS923
15Teisar VinceWLS850
16Cooke RaymondWLS0
17Hannigan BenWLS0
18Hannigan JackWLS0