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Open chess tournament

Round Robin Rated tournament

Last update 15.01.2023 16:00:06, Creator/Last Upload: Bhutan Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

2R. Mongar Sukraj17500680BHU1736
1Tshering Kelzang17500745BHU1662
9Sonam Karma17500028BHU1651
8M. Dorji Lhundrup17500664BHU1573
11Choden Sonam17500729BHU1378
12Adhikari Amrit17501164BHU0
5Gyeltshen Dorji17501091BHU0
6Kelzang Karma17501180BHU0
10Lhaden Yeshi17501237BHU0
7Phurba Tandin17500699BHU0
3Wangyel Thinlee17501229BHU0
4Y. Wangdi Jigme17501210BHU0