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Senast uppdaterad05.01.2023 07:52:41, Creator/Last Upload: Bhutan Chess Federation

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1. GalrabBHU0
2. JambayangBHU0
3Bhandari SidanthBHU0
4Dahal AnandBHU0
5Gurung KrishnaBHU0
6Jimba Dhendup SherubBHU0
7Kelzang KarmaBHU0
8Kinga Tobchen JigmeBHU0
9Kunzang Wangchuk TandinBHU0
10Lhaden YesheyBHU0
11M. Dorji LhundrupBHU0
12Nima Wangchuk RigzinBHU0
13Norbu Dorji PelchenBHU0
14Samten Wangchuk KinleyBHU0
15Sonam Chophel KarmaBHU0
16Subba SangayBHU0
17Tashi ThubtenBHU0
18Wangchuk SonamBHU0
19Wangyel ThinleeBHU0
20Yangsel Dorji PemaBHU0
21Yeshey Dhendup RigphelBHU0
22YOnten Gyalpo PadmaBHU0
23Younten Wangdi JigmeBHU0
24Yulgyal JimmyBHU0