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Open des jeunes -18 ans des échecs classiques

Senast uppdaterad05.01.2023 22:15:25, Creator/Last Upload: Fédération Mauritanienne des échecs

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1Ahmed Abdellahi El Hadj19602340MTN1615
2Ahmed Cherif Khaled Abdellahi19605226MTN1443
3Abd Samad Hmoud19605790MTN0
4Abdel Baghi El Emine19605668MTN0
5Abdel Baghi Mohamed Abdellahi19605650MTN0
6Abderrahmane Eleyatt19606150MTN0
7Abderrahmane Tolba19606192MTN0
8Ahmed Wissat19605218MTN0
9Ba Elamin19606230MTN0
10Ba Hamadi19606249MTN0
11Brahim Sidi Mohamed19603924MTN0
12Elhafedh Sidahmed19605200MTN0
13Emhamed Ethmane19605072MTN0
14Lehbib Ahmed19606222MTN0
15Mohamed Hemam19603606MTN0
16Mohamed Lemine Abdella19605196MTN0
17Mohamed Mahmoud Hatem19603916MTN0
18Mohamed Samoury19605161MTN0
19Mohamed Weissat19603894MTN0
20Naelle Pierre Raji19606117MTN0
21Norah Pierre Raji19606109MTN0
22Sidi Mohamed Mahmoud19606184MTN0