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The Irish New Year GM Norm Event 2023

Last update 18.02.2023 21:57:46, Creator/Last Upload: IvanBaburin

Starting rank list of players

4GMVan Foreest Lucas1039792NED2583
10GMGonzalez Garcia Jose5101174SPA2458
2GMTurner Matthew J402893SCO2451
1IMBaskin Robert24662402GER2432
3IMHaubro Martin1414291DEN2395
6IMKanyamarala Tarun45004714IRL2346
5IMFitzsimons David2501961IRL2339
8FMKopylov Daniel12921971GER2336
9FMO'Donnell Conor2504243IRL2323
7Nemeth Zalan2512041IRL2246