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2023 Australian Minor

Last update 10.01.2023 06:50:09, Creator/Last Upload: Papua New Guinea Chess Federation

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Starting rank

2Francisco Vincent Paul5240719PHI1426
3Arav Nathan3248950NSW1422
4Chan Benny61100013VIC1377
5Clark Peter3238318VIC1370
12Kapahi Sagar25764268IND1263
13Arav Jayden3248941NSW1230
15Ho Oscar3228568ACT1208
16Arav Callan3248933NSW1157
17Feldblyum Alexander54118875QLD1117
18Gunasekara Aritha Chanthula Abe29931894SRI1079
19Rice Lana5831466SGP1065
26Schiavone Isaac3260500 SA576
27Sheth Adidev3252205VIC569
36Byrne SeamusAUS0
38Chinbat Chintushig4907310MGL0
39Curtis CalanAUS0
40Feldblyum RachelQLD0
43Gunasekera Tharanga Abesuriya29973783SRI0
44Nareshbabu AmaraAUS0
45Pryce RyanAUS0
48Tang Fergus3258661VIC0
49Thonjungreed Sumreang6202144THA0
50Togtmol Turmunkh4925513MGL0
51Togtmol Uudamkhishig4925521MGL0
53Vyhunthan VishnuAUS0
54Yu KevinAUS0