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Finale Championnat National des Echecs Classiques

Last update 05.01.2023 22:27:03, Creator/Last Upload: Fédération Mauritanienne des échecs

Starting rank list of players

9CMHemam Moulaye Brahim19600054MTN2043
4Cheikhna Mohamed Lemine19600151MTN1859
5CMYahi Mohamed Salem19600160MTN1850
1Abdellahi Sidi19600216MTN1804
8Chighali Cheikh Tijani19600909MTN1718
7Mohamed Vall Sidi Mohamed Herma19601824MTN1647
2Abdellahi Khaled Abdellahi19604416MTN1629
3Abdou Abdellahi Ahmed Alem19603720MTN0
10Elelmine Mohameeden Bah19604645MTN0
6Moulaye Hachim Cheikh19604459MTN0