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3rd Phase Olympiad Team Qualifiers - Women

Last update 12.05.2012 11:16:45, Creator/Last Upload: Stephen Kisuze

Starting rank list of players

4Mutesi PhionahUGA2100
8Nakimuli JoanUGA2043
2Nsubuga RitahUGA2026
5Angolikin GorettiUGA2024
3Namaganda ChristineUGA2022
6Babirye StellaUGA2014
9Nansubuga GloriaUGA2000
11Nakayima VanessaUGA1950
7Wanja DeborahUGA1950
12Kanayiwa IreneUGA1900
10Kenyangye CathyUGA1900
1Amoko Ivy ClaireUGA1705