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ELetihad 1

Last update 03.01.2023 09:32:14, Creator/Last Upload: Maher Musa

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Starting rank list

1Ali Mohammed YaseSUD2000
2Wadah AdamSUD2000
3Abd Elraheem ElirakSUD1900
4Anwer GummaSUD1900
5Bilal Ahmed HissanSUD1900
6Mortada ElkalasSUD1900
7Mosab YahyaSUD1900
8Omer IbrahimSUD1900
9Tigai El khaleelSUD1900
10Abd Elmalik AhmedSUD1800
11El jack Abd ElraheemSUD1800
12Montaser Ahmed ElsayedSUD1800
13Mostafa BandaSUD1800
14Bakri GammiSUD1700
15Dang KoalSUD1700
16Gosai OsmanSUD1700
17Mohammed ElshikhSUD1700
18Mohammed Gammer BakrawiSUD1700
19Abd Elaha ElsharifSUD1600
20Ismail Gaber EldarSUD1600