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Boards 1-190 PLAYING HALL 1
Boards 191-241 PLAYING HALL 2

European Individual Chess Championship 2023

Last update 13.03.2023 20:49:45, Creator/Last Upload:

Player overview for SVK

50GMPechac Jergus2598SVK1½11½½½½½1½7,52726621010,70
113IMDruska Juraj2505SVK1½½½10½10½½6186244210-9,10
210GMPacher Milan2392SVK1½½01½½010½5,52352392102,60

Results of the last round for SVK

Rd.Bo.No. NameTypRtgPts. ResultPts. NameTypRtg No.
GMPredke Alexandr26847 ½ - ½7 GMPechac Jergus2598
IMArsovic ZoranS502390 ½ - ½ IMDruska Juraj2505
GMPacher Milan23925 ½ - ½5 WGMStojanovic Andjelija2262

Player details for SVK

GM Pechac Jergus 2598 SVK Rp:2662 Pts. 7,5
1292FMGunduz Umut Erdem2286TUR6w 1101,40
2179FMFromm Marius2428GER7,5s ½10-2,20
3183FMCelik Hasan Huseyin2420TUR6w 1102,70
4119GMBlohberger Felix2493AUT7s 1103,60
511GMSarana Alexey2668FID8,5w ½101,00
61GMSargissian Gabriel2699ARM7s ½101,40
75GMMoussard Jules2684FRA6w ½101,20
8125IMAhmadzada Ahmad2487AZE6,5s ½10-1,50
9109GMGadimbayli Abdulla2507AZE6,5w ½10-1,20
10153GMSanikidze Tornike2459GEO6,5w 1103,10
116GMPredke Alexandr2684SRB7,5s ½101,20
IM Druska Juraj 2505 SVK Rp:2442 Pts. 6
1355FMSahin Ozgun2177TUR4s 1101,30
2232FMUskov Artem2373FID5,5w ½10-1,80
3238IMHnydiuk Aleksander2364POL5,5s ½10-1,90
4236IMSchekachikhin Maksim2367FID6w ½10-1,90
5243FMDamjanovic Vuk2361SRB6,5s 1103,10
624GMIndjic Aleksandar2636SRB6,5w 010-3,20
7222WGMInjac Teodora2383SRB5,5s ½10-1,70
8226IMMegalios Konstantinos2382GRE5,5w 1103,30
930GMKovalev Vladislav2623FID6,5s 010-3,40
10196IMTutisani Noe2411GEO6w ½10-1,30
11214IMArsovic Zoran2390SRB6s ½10-1,60
GM Pacher Milan 2392 SVK Rp:2392 Pts. 5,5
1452Djordjevic Nevena1889SRB3w 1101,10
281GMPultinevicius Paulius2546LTU6s ½102,10
393GMGuliyev Namig2528AZE6,5w ½101,80
491GMDvirnyy Danyyil2531ITA7s 010-3,10
5330FMDjokic Mihailo2227SRB4,5w 1102,80
663GMGrigoriants Sergey2572HUN7s ½102,40
7108IMBeerdsen Thomas2510NED7w ½101,60
897GMKulaots Kaido2525EST6s 010-3,20
9322FMTodorovic Bojan2249SRB4,5w 1103,10
10139IMIoannidis Evgenios2473GRE6s 010-3,90
11310WGMStojanovic Andjelija2262SRB5,5w ½10-1,80