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Boards 1-190 PLAYING HALL 1
Boards 191-241 PLAYING HALL 2

European Individual Chess Championship 2023

Last update 13.03.2023 20:49:45, Creator/Last Upload: SRB Chess Federation

Player overview for ENG

115GMFernandez Daniel Howard2498ENG1½1½½010½117802552108,60
137IMClarke Brandon G I2475ENG101½1½½½½1½7622529108,70
154IMWillow Jonah B2459ENG10½110½11017842503107,80
160IMGrieve Harry2455ENG10½10½½00003,5426230810-15,10
162IMRoyal Shreyas2452ENG100111½0½1½6,5121243210-1,00
174IMWadsworth Matthew J2439ENG1010½½11½005,5234237010-8,90
318CMKhandelwal Ankush2255ENG0½0101001104,5358207320-50,20
356Onslow Alfie2174ENG½00110½001153222210208,40
433Cox Tristan A1975ENG10011000110529723042075,20
482Bartoccioni Menconi Leone1300ENG0000000000004830400,00

Results of the last round for ENG

Rd.Bo.No. NameTypRtgPts. ResultPts. NameTypRtg No.
IMClarke Brandon G I2475 ½ - ½ IMTeclaf Pawel2568
IMWillow Jonah B24596 1 - 06 GMLaurusas Tomas2571
IMRoyal ShreyasU1824526 ½ - ½6 GMVan Foreest Lucas2570
FMSecheres Adrian-Simion23696 0 - 16 GMFernandez Daniel Howard2498
IMMilosevic Milos2347 1 - 0 IMWadsworth Matthew J2439
Cox Tristan A19755 0 - 15 IMBournel Antoine2377
CMKhandelwal Ankush2255 0 - 1 FMKochavi Ori2417
Bleuzen Erwan19374 0 - 14 Onslow Alfie2174
IMGrieve Harry2455 0 not paired  
Bartoccioni Menconi LeoneU1813000 0 not paired  

Player details for ENG

GM Fernandez Daniel Howard 2498 ENG Rp:2552 Pts. 7
1357Zlatkov Anton2174MKD4,5s 1101,30
2234IMSuarez Uriel Adrian2370ESP4,5w ½10-1,70
3269FMGorodetzky Matan2319ISR5s 1102,70
438GMTer-Sahakyan Samvel2616ARM7,5w ½101,60
530GMKovalev Vladislav2623FID6,5s ½101,70
628GMSargsyan Shant2630ARM7,5w 010-3,20
7227IMGarrido Outon Alex2380ESP5,5s 1103,40
810GMSaric Ivan2674CRO7w 010-2,70
9216IMMaltsevskaya Aleksandra2388POL6s ½10-1,50
10204IMCzerw Dawid2404POL6w 1103,70
11235FMSecheres Adrian-Simion2369ROU6s 1103,30
IM Clarke Brandon G I 2475 ENG Rp:2529 Pts. 7
1379FMKorelskiy Egor2127FID4s 1101,10
210GMSaric Ivan2674CRO7w 010-2,40
3273FMVan Dael Siem2312NED5,5s 1102,80
4311FMTaspinar Yanki2262TUR5,5w ½10-2,70
5307FMZverev Lev2267FID5,5s 1102,30
655GMParavyan David2584FID8w ½101,50
766GMLivaic Leon2569CRO7s ½101,30
846GMYuffa Daniil2605ESP7,5w ½101,80
947GMCan Emre2600TUR7s ½101,70
1054GMAsadli Vugar2586AZE5,5- 1K
1169IMTeclaf Pawel2568POL7w ½101,30
IM Willow Jonah B 2459 ENG Rp:2503 Pts. 7
1396CMJandric Damjan2104SRB4w 1101,10
217GMGrandelius Nils2658SWE7,5s 010-2,40
3306Savicevic Vlatko2268SRB5w ½10-2,50
4295FMLeszko Bence2283HUN5,5s 1102,70
5348FMOzdemir Serhan Berat2200TUR4,5w 1101,80
649GMIskandarov Misratdin2598AZE6,5s 010-3,10
7298FMShoshin Kirill2278FID5,5w ½10-2,40
8300Levitan Tal2276ISR6,5s 1102,60
959GMMoroni Luca Jr2578ITA6,5w 1106,60
1051GMHovhannisyan Robert2597ARM7,5s 010-3,10
1164GMLaurusas Tomas2571LTU6w 1106,50
IM Grieve Harry 2455 ENG Rp:2308 Pts. 3,5
1402Pantic Ivica2091SRB4w 1101,10
223GMGledura Benjamin2637HUN7,5s 010-2,60
3320CMGarsky Vladyslav2253UKR5,5w ½10-2,60
4300Levitan Tal2276ISR6,5s 1102,70
57GMWojtaszek Radoslaw2682POL7w 010-2,10
6312Parligras Cosmin2260ROU5s ½10-2,50
7284CMSkvortsov Andrei2298FID5w ½10-2,10
8274FMGombocz Ferenc Jr.2311HUN5,5s 010-6,90
9330FMDjokic Mihailo2227SRB4,5- 0K
10-not paired- --- 0
11-not paired- --- 0
IM Royal Shreyas 2452 ENG Rp:2432 Pts. 6,5
1404Lauda Alexandr2084MDA4w 1101,10
225GMRakhmanov Aleksandr2635FID7,5s 010-2,60
3322FMTodorovic Bojan2249SRB4,5w 010-7,60
4360FMManukyan Sargis A.2163ARM4,5s 1101,60
5292FMGunduz Umut Erdem2286TUR6w 1102,80
6278FMPalczert Matyas2304HUN5s 1103,00
768GMNesterov Arseniy2568FID7w ½101,60
867GMMchedlishvili Mikheil2569GEO7,5s 010-3,40
9272FMPiliposyan Robert2314ARM6,5w ½10-1,90
10288FMOzsac Samet Harun2293TUR5s 1102,90
1165GMVan Foreest Lucas2570NED6,5w ½101,60
IM Wadsworth Matthew J 2439 ENG Rp:2370 Pts. 5,5
1416Gusev Mikhail2039SRB3w 1101,10
237GMKuzubov Yuriy2616UKR8s 010-2,70
3338WIMSgircea Silvia-Raluca2214ROU5w 1102,20
45GMMoussard Jules2684FRA6s 010-2,00
5304IMDobre Claudiu-Cristian2271ROU5w ½10-2,20
6320CMGarsky Vladyslav2253UKR5,5s ½10-2,40
7296FMKristoferitsch Daniel2282AUT5w 1102,90
8298FMShoshin Kirill2278FID5,5s 1102,90
973IMMakarian Rudik2557FID6w ½101,60
1090GMStocek Jiri2534CZE6,5w 010-3,70
11252IMMilosevic Milos2347SRB6,5s 010-6,30
CM Khandelwal Ankush 2255 ENG Rp:2073 Pts. 4,5
176GMParligras Mircea-Emilian2554ROU6s 020-3,00
2449Poupalos Nikolaos1906GRE5,5w ½20-7,80
3459CMYonal Timur1859TUR5s 020-17,80
4409FMJeremic Milan2052SRB3w 1204,80
546GMYuffa Daniil2605ESP7,5s 020-2,20
6417Pantovic Dragan M2038SRB4,5w 1204,40
7430Biyiksiz Ali Batuhan1994TUR4,5s 020-16,40
8385FMEfremov Vladislav2120FID5,5w 020-13,60
9455Velkoski Stojan1868MKD3s 1202,20
10397Leskovac Nikola2103SRB4,5s 1206,00
11186FMKochavi Ori2417ISR5,5w 020-5,80
Onslow Alfie 2174 ENG Rp:2210 Pts. 5
1114GMGines Esteo Pedro Antonio2500ESP6s ½207,40
2122GMKovacevic Aleksandar2489SRB6w 020-2,80
3176IMAlonso Garcia Aaron2437ESP6s 020-3,60
4448CMDeveci Huseyin Said1913TUR4w 1203,60
5265FMCiorgovean Iustin2325ROU5s 12014,00
6204IMCzerw Dawid2404POL6w 020-4,20
7261FMYordanov Lachezar2335BUL4s ½204,20
8285IMTodorovic Goran N2296SRB5w 020-6,60
9426Banov Boil2016BUL4,5s 020-14,20
10411Pousada Garcia Daniel2050ESP4w 1206,60
11441Bleuzen Erwan1937FRA4s 1204,00
Cox Tristan A 1975 ENG Rp:2304 Pts. 5
1191GMNeverov Valeriy2414UKR6w 12017,80
2129GMZanan Evgeny2485ISR6,5s 020-2,20
3248IMTadic Stefan2353SRB6w 020-2,20
4332IMRabrenovic Vladan2223SRB3,5s 12016,20
5237FMAizenberg Benny2367ISR6w 12017,80
6167IMNigalidze Gaioz2448GEO6,5s 020-2,20
7244FMHagner Bennet2361GER5w 020-2,20
8306Savicevic Vlatko2268SRB5s 020-3,00
9358CMSafar Sandro2173CRO4w 12015,20
10304IMDobre Claudiu-Cristian2271ROU5s 12017,00
11231IMBournel Antoine2377FRA6w 020-2,20
Bartoccioni Menconi Leone 1300 ENG Pts. 0
1240FMCosta Leonardo2364GER6- 0K
2-not paired- --- 0
3-not paired- --- 0
4-not paired- --- 0
5-not paired- --- 0
6-not paired- --- 0
7-not paired- --- 0
8-not paired- --- 0
9-not paired- --- 0
10-not paired- --- 0
11-not paired- --- 0