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Boards 1-190 PLAYING HALL 1
Boards 191-241 PLAYING HALL 2

European Individual Chess Championship 2023

Last update 13.03.2023 20:49:45, Creator/Last Upload: SRB Chess Federation

Player overview for SLO

87GMSebenik Matej2536SLO½½½101½11½06,5114245310-10,30
117IMSubelj Jan2496SLO1½1½½1½1½0½74826271020,00
141IMJanzelj Tim2472SLO101½½00½1116,5139234310-15,80
308FMGoroshkov Maksym2265SLO01½½01½0½1½5,52602281207,00

Results of the last round for SLO

Rd.Bo.No. NameTypRtgPts. ResultPts. NameTypRtg No.
GMPonomariov Ruslan2655 1 - 0 GMSebenik Matej2536
GMBartel Mateusz2609 ½ - ½ IMSubelj Jan2496
IMHnydiuk Aleksander2364 0 - 1 IMJanzelj Tim2472
FMPastar Slaven24015 ½ - ½5 FMGoroshkov MaksymU182265

Player details for SLO

GM Sebenik Matej 2536 SLO Rp:2453 Pts. 6,5
1329WGMEric Jovana2230SRB5s ½10-3,60
2321Gallana Marco2250ITA5,5w ½10-3,40
3270FMJocev Milan2315SRB5,5s ½10-2,80
4279FMDenishev Marat2303FID5w 1102,10
5218GMZajic Milan2387SRB7s 010-7,00
6263WIMVelikic Adela2329SRB6w 1102,30
7197FMAgdelen Huseyin Can2411TUR6s ½10-1,70
8208FMPeyrer Konstantin2395AUT6w 1103,10
9236IMSchekachikhin Maksim2367FID6s 1102,80
1028GMSargsyan Shant2630ARM7,5w ½101,30
1119GMPonomariov Ruslan2655UKR7,5s 010-3,40
IM Subelj Jan 2496 SLO Rp:2627 Pts. 7
1359Andrijashkin Deniss2164EST1,5s 1101,20
2236IMSchekachikhin Maksim2367FID6w ½10-1,70
3277IMDanielyan Vahe2307ARM6,5s 1102,50
440GMBernadskiy Vitaliy2611UKR7,5w ½101,60
534GMVocaturo Daniele2619ITA7,5s ½101,70
630GMKovalev Vladislav2623FID6,5w 1106,70
728GMSargsyan Shant2630ARM7,5s ½101,80
847GMCan Emre2600TUR7w 1106,40
929GMAbasov Nijat2625AZE7,5s ½101,70
1037GMKuzubov Yuriy2616UKR8w 010-3,40
1142GMBartel Mateusz2609POL7s ½101,50
IM Janzelj Tim 2472 SLO Rp:2343 Pts. 6,5
1383Giacomini Hector2121FRA4,5s 1101,10
212GMShevchenko Kirill2668ROU8,5w 010-2,50
3290FMRemolar Gallen Jose2290ESP5,5s 1102,60
4319FMPetrovic Aleksa2254SRB5,5w ½10-2,80
5405WFMShvedova Alexandra2083FID4,5s ½10-3,90
6335Ahmad Khagan2220AZE5,5w 010-8,10
7279FMDenishev Marat2303FID5s 010-7,20
8328Miletic Vuk2231MNE4w ½10-3,00
9329WGMEric Jovana2230SRB5s 1102,00
10285IMTodorovic Goran N2296SRB5w 1102,70
11238IMHnydiuk Aleksander2364POL5,5s 1103,50
FM Goroshkov Maksym 2265 SLO Rp:2281 Pts. 5,5
166GMLivaic Leon2569CRO7s 020-2,80
2441Bleuzen Erwan1937FRA4w 1202,60
3156IMCabarkapa Novak2458SRB3,5s ½205,00
4172FMSpyropoulos Nikolaos2442GRE5,5w ½204,60
5184FMAkbas Umut Ata2419TUR6,5s 020-5,80
6435Arsenie Cristian Marc1971SUI3,5w 1203,00
7192IMBaenziger Fabian2413SUI6s ½204,00
8193IMGaehwiler Gabriel2413SUI6w 020-6,00
9385FMEfremov Vladislav2120FID5,5s ½20-3,80
10440Dumbelovic Novak1948SRB4w 1202,60
11206FMPastar Slaven2401BIH5,5s ½203,60