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Boards 1-190 PLAYING HALL 1
Boards 191-241 PLAYING HALL 2

European Individual Chess Championship 2023

Last update 13.03.2023 20:49:45, Creator/Last Upload: SRB Chess Federation

Player overview for MNE

56GMKadric Denis2583MNE11101½½½10½75326611012,10
104GMDjukic Nikola2514MNE1½½½½1½101½779249710-1,70
107GMDraskovic Luka2510MNE½1½½01½1½106,5117245710-6,10
188IMKalezic Blazo2415MNE½1½0½1½0½0½5288227410-14,90
267FMSukovic Andrej2322MNE0½1010101½½5,52412347206,00
294FMKisic Bozidar2283MNE½00100½1½104,5367208920-56,20
328Miletic Vuk2231MNE01½001½½00½4392209620-37,00
462Plamenac Aleksandar1848MNE0000000000004820200,00
478Lakusic Zoran1641MNE0001000½½0½2,5473162620-2,40

Results of the last round for MNE

Rd.Bo.No. NameTypRtgPts. ResultPts. NameTypRtg No.
GMAbasov Nijat2625 1 - 0 GMDraskovic Luka2510
GMDjukic Nikola2514 ½ - ½ GMMastrovasilis Dimitrios2599
GMKadric Denis2583 ½ - ½ FMLevin GuyU182419
FMSukovic Andrej23225 ½ - ½5 IMVogel Roven2462
IMKalezic Blazo2415 ½ - ½ Zadravec Matija2248
FMEfremov VladislavU182120 1 - 0 FMKisic Bozidar2283
Miletic Vuk2231 ½ - ½ FMKostic Milutin BS502049
Lakusic ZoranS5016412 ½ - ½ Simic Jakov0
Plamenac Aleksandar18480 0 not paired  

Player details for MNE

GM Kadric Denis 2583 MNE Rp:2661 Pts. 7
1298FMShoshin Kirill2278FID5,5w 1101,40
2187IMMilikow Yoav2416ISR4,5s 1102,80
35GMMoussard Jules2684FRA6w 1106,40
419GMPonomariov Ruslan2655UKR7,5s 010-4,00
5143FMSamadov Read2471AZE6,5w 1103,50
69GMGelfand Boris2674ISR7,5s ½101,20
71GMSargissian Gabriel2699ARM7w ½101,60
82GMMartirosyan Haik M.2686ARM7w ½101,40
9132GMQuparadze Giga2483GEO7s 1103,60
103GMAnton Guijarro David2685ESP8s 010-3,60
11185FMLevin Guy2419ISR7w ½10-2,20
GM Djukic Nikola 2514 MNE Rp:2497 Pts. 7
1346Tudor Henry Edward2201ROU5w 1101,40
2227IMGarrido Outon Alex2380ESP5,5s ½10-1,80
3237FMAizenberg Benny2367ISR6w ½10-2,00
4248IMTadic Stefan2353SRB6s ½10-2,10
5229IMLeisch Lukas2378AUT6w ½10-1,80
6207FMIbadov Dashgyn2398FID5,5s 1103,40
7250FMManafov Vugar2349AZE6w ½10-2,20
8276FMEren Ataberk2308TUR7s 1102,40
949GMIskandarov Misratdin2598AZE6,5w 010-3,80
10189FMKilic Eray2415TUR6s 1103,60
1148GMMastrovasilis Dimitrios2599GRE7w ½101,20
GM Draskovic Luka 2510 MNE Rp:2457 Pts. 6,5
1349CMKrstic Milos2198SRB5s ½10-3,60
2347Valiyev Shahin2201AZE5,5w 1101,40
3232FMUskov Artem2373FID5,5s ½10-1,80
4230FMPasti Aron2378HUN6w ½10-1,80
5226IMMegalios Konstantinos2382GRE5,5s 010-6,70
6267FMSukovic Andrej2322MNE5,5w 1102,60
7208FMPeyrer Konstantin2395AUT6s ½10-1,60
8214IMArsovic Zoran2390SRB6w 1103,40
914GMIvanchuk Vasyl2664UKR7,5s ½102,10
10222WGMInjac Teodora2383SRB5,5w 1103,30
1129GMAbasov Nijat2625AZE7,5s 010-3,40
IM Kalezic Blazo 2415 MNE Rp:2274 Pts. 5
1430Biyiksiz Ali Batuhan1994TUR4,5w ½10-3,90
2468Mladenovic Milan1787SRB2,5s 1101,10
369IMTeclaf Pawel2568POL7w ½102,00
449GMIskandarov Misratdin2598AZE6,5s 010-2,60
5312Parligras Cosmin2260ROU5w ½10-2,10
6346Tudor Henry Edward2201ROU5s 1102,30
763GMGrigoriants Sergey2572HUN7w ½102,10
831GMRodshtein Maxim2622ISR6,5s 010-2,30
9292FMGunduz Umut Erdem2286TUR6w ½10-1,70
10300Levitan Tal2276ISR6,5s 010-6,90
11323Zadravec Matija2248CRO5w ½10-2,20
FM Sukovic Andrej 2322 MNE Rp:2347 Pts. 5,5
125GMRakhmanov Aleksandr2635FID7,5w 020-2,80
2404Lauda Alexandr2084MDA4s ½20-6,00
3370WFMNilssen Ellen Fredericia2144DEN4,5w 1205,40
457GMLagarde Maxime2581FRA7s 020-3,60
5362Noy Eyal2161ISR4,5w 1205,80
6107GMDraskovic Luka2510MNE6,5s 020-5,20
7364Gramb Marius2159GER5,5w 1205,60
8179FMFromm Marius2428GER7,5s 020-7,20
9360FMManukyan Sargis A.2163ARM4,5w 1205,80
10127IMKraus Tomas2486CZE5s ½204,40
11151IMVogel Roven2462GER5,5w ½203,80
FM Kisic Bozidar 2283 MNE Rp:2089 Pts. 4,5
152GMBrkic Ante2596CRO7,5s ½207,20
282GMLobanov Sergei2545FID6,5w 020-3,60
3425Andreev Stanislav2016BUL4s 020-16,40
4392FMHamiti Gani2112KOS4,5w 1205,40
5395Dimitrijevic Dusan2105SRB4s 020-14,60
6411Pousada Garcia Daniel2050ESP4w 020-15,80
7439Stoychev Ognian1952BUL4,5s ½20-7,60
8414Oliinyk Serafim2042SRB4w 1204,00
9415Lazic Emanuel2041BIH4,5s ½20-6,00
10389CMSimonovic Miroslav2115SRB3,5w 1205,60
11385FMEfremov Vladislav2120FID5,5s 020-14,40
Miletic Vuk 2231 MNE Rp:2096 Pts. 4
186GMBoruchovsky Avital2536ISR6,5s 020-2,80
2453Labrovic Jakov1888CRO3,5w 1202,40
3164IMBraun Christian2449GER5,5s ½205,60
4182FMSeemann Jakub2424POL6w 020-5,00
5140IMAlexakis Dimitris2472GRE5s 020-4,00
6443CMBozinovic Boban1931AUT4w 1203,00
7445Kochavi Dana1929ISR3,5s ½20-7,00
8141IMJanzelj Tim2472SLO6,5s ½206,00
9444Vasilkov Nikolay1931FID6w 020-17,00
10398WFMPogorelskikh Sofia2102SRB4,5s 020-13,40
11412FMKostic Milutin B2049SRB4w ½20-4,80
Plamenac Aleksandar 1848 MNE Pts. 0
1220FMPasztor Balazs2387HUN6- 0K
2-not paired- --- 0
3-not paired- --- 0
4-not paired- --- 0
5-not paired- --- 0
6-not paired- --- 0
7-not paired- --- 0
8-not paired- --- 0
9-not paired- --- 0
10-not paired- --- 0
11-not paired- --- 0
Lakusic Zoran 1641 MNE Rp:1626 Pts. 2,5
1236IMSchekachikhin Maksim2367FID6s 020-2,20
2357Zlatkov Anton2174MKD4,5w 020-2,20
3407Kienboeck Benjamin2066AUT4s 020-2,20
4-bye- --- 1
5382Demir Baran2122TUR3w 020-2,20
6418Ciric Pavle2037SRB4s 020-2,20
7442Bozanic Jovan1934SRB4w 020-3,00
8466Tadic Ana1817SRB4s ½204,60
9454Mitrovic Vladan1871SRB3w ½205,80
10464Popovic Igor1831SRB3s 020-5,00
11484Simic Jakov0AUT3w ½