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London FIDE Congress U2000

Last update 22.01.2023 19:55:33, Creator/Last Upload:

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Round 2 on 2023/01/21 at 10:00

White  Black 
211Cullen Ben18821 0 - 11 Hanache Kai139415
228Prince Alan R16311 ½ - ½1 Irving Neil18822
2310Lipinsky Pierre15551 ½ - ½1 Levy Christopher A16605
2420Tawab Ramin01 0 - 11 Scarry James16387
254Kennedy Craig1821½ 0 - 11 Cancedda-Dupuis Livio017
2614Rastogi Nayan Keats1449½ 0 - 1½ Han Qixiang147911
273White David J18640 0 - 10 Blinkhorn Joshua016
286Mozaffari Mohammad Hossein16530 1 - 00 Chann Nicholas Ryan018
2913Ward Cian14650 ½ - ½0 Tertychnyy Dmitry021
309Bryant Harry16200 ½ not paired 
3112Han Qixuan14710 ½ not paired 
3219Shek Kim00 0 not paired