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Ealing FIDE Congress U2300 Jan 2023

Last update 29.01.2023 16:44:44, Creator/Last Upload: ukchessacademy

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Starting rank

1Prior Stephen C V423378ENG2072
2Rushbrooke Remy443590ENG2062
3Prasath Malola Ts5017033IND2008
4Iyengar Ilya405949ENG1998
5Salmons Calum437280ENG1989
6Chopra Manmay25649191IND1915
7Thatte Nishchal447234ENG1905
8Arora Tashika459305ENG1846
9AIMSubramanian Anusha477710ENG1768
10Sivanandan Bodhana497592ENG1718
11Ravikumar Pranava25674196IND1705
12AFMAli Shahvez453790ENG1626
13Sachdeva Ronit343401589ENG1620
14Rebonato Scott Sebastiano480827ENG1613
15Dewangan Aayush469700ENG1472
16Gajowniczek Maks343402801ENG0