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London FIDE Congress U2300

Last update 22.01.2023 19:52:12, Creator/Last Upload:

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Round 2 on 2023/01/21 at 10:00

White  Black 
118Iyengar Ilya19981 1 - 01 FMAnand Batsukh22032
1210Collins Adam19871 ½ - ½1 Onslow Alfie21224
1321Quillaud Maxime1658½ 1 - 01 Badacsonyi Stanley185616
141CMLalic Peter D2204½ 1 - 01 Grose Kameron178118
153Midhun P U2147½ 1 - 0½ Pichugov Andrey168120
1613Phan Stefanus1967½ ½ - ½½ Banerjee Supratit157223
175Bagri Jaspaul21130 1 - 0½ Badacsonyi Frankie196912
187Lipinsky Markus20070 0 - 10 Chopra Manmay191515
196Prasath Malola Ts20081 1 - 00 Hertog Alexander165122
2019Murawski Jan17100 0 - 10 Amato Giampiero194014
219Salmons Calum1989½ 0 not paired 
2211Keohane Ben19740 ½ not paired 
2317Patel Zain18061 ½ not paired