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London FIDE Congress 1700

Last update 22.01.2023 21:37:18, Creator/Last Upload: ukchessacademy

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Round 2 on 2023/01/21 at 10:00

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
3110Bassa Hugo01 1 - 01 Shek Daniel15452
323Valentine Tim15221 0 - 11 Mokroussov Alan020
3321Nilim Armaan01 0 - 11 Hayes Callum14564
345Obiols Biel14431 0 - 11 Rogers David M024
3523Rigby Charles01 0 - 1½ Kaushik Madhav14056
361Garau Tomas1616½ 0 - 1½ Hutchence Gregg Sh13877
3719Mittal Aditya0½ 1 - 0½ Daniels Quinton014
388Boozorginia Zoya13440 1 - 00 Eastham Rory016
3917Flaccavento Marco00 1 - 00 Srivastava Siddhartha Shankar12509
4026Suleyman Orkhun Timuchin00 1 - 00 Bilguun Tuvshinjargal011
4112Crossley Joe00 0 - 10 Lama James018
4215Dulguun Tuvshinjargal00 0 - 10 Paulins Michael022
4313Cuff Andrew M01 ½ not paired 
4425Shek Kim00 0 not paired