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ZONAL SUR SUB 18 Absoluto 2012

Darrera actualització23.04.2012 00:15:49, Creador/Darrera càrrega: FECODAZ

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Rànquing inicial

1Hernandez Cristian AndresVAL211621162116
2Escobar Barona Juan FernandoVAL199519951995
3Diaz Cristian CamiloVAL195919591959
4Florez Luis AngelCAU195219521952
5Munoz Romero Cristian CamiloCAU194819481947
6Escobar Guido JoseVAL194119411941Palmira
7Gonzalez Andres FelipeVAL188118811881
8Parra BrayanVAL179417941794
9Valencia JeffersonVAL175901759
10Rosero JeffersonVAL173901739
11Caicedo RonaldVAL171001710
12Yate Baron Andres StevenVAL167101671
13Gomez Luis MiguelCAU165801658
14Cadavid Juan MiguelVAL164101641
15Murgueitio Juan CamiloVAL161501615
16Torres RichardCAU160901609
17Calero Hector AndresVAL158601586
18Agudelo Pedro LuisCAU152401524
19Quinonez Garcia SantiagoVAL191219121912